Staircase Drift Illusion -
Cylindrical Shapes
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Staircase Drift Illusion- Cylindrical Shapes - Page-1
A. Length Reduction:
- Length reduction induces a curvature structure: A curved structure is formed by (A) gradually reducing the length of the bars by 10% and (B) staggering them to form a staircase.
- The arrow illustrates what the curvature would look like if it had been drawn with a line.
- Cylindrical structure: Figure 1.3.A illustrates that length reduction can be used to draw a 3D structure (cylinder) that can produce a motion illusion.
Demo 1.3.A:
Illusory Depth & Distance:
- Familiar Size Effect (Relative size): The bars with reduced length are perceived to be the farthest away.
- Relative Height: Bars that are higher up are received as being further away.
- Interposition (overlap): The first bar that covers the other bars is perceived as the closest.
1.0.A - 1.3.A How to draw the illusion:
2.6.C - 2.8.C - How to draw the illusion:
Demo 2.6.C:
Demo 2.7.C:
Demo 2.8.C:
2.9.C - 3.2.C - How to draw the illusion:
Demo 2.9.C:
Demo 3.0.C:
Demo 3.1.C:
Demo 3.2.C:
B. Width Reduction:
Demo 1.4.A:
- By changing the width, the slope will change.
Staircase Drift Illusion -
Cylindrical Shapes
Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Date: Sep 28, 2022 [link].
Date: Sep 27, 2022 [link],