2. Hue calculation - If RGB max ≤ 255 & RGB min ≥ 0
By reducing the brightness or saturation:
- Chroma = constant: The values of RGB max and RGB min remain constant over the entire spectrum.
- RGB intermediate is changed within the range of RGB min and RGB max (m ≤ IM ≤ M).
2.0 - RGB-Range & IM-normalized value:
RGB range (Chroma):
- For pure colors (when S = B = 100 %); the RGB range remains at 255 units: RGB Max - RGB Min = 255.
- When saturation is 100% and brightness is 50% or vice versa, the RGB range changes to 127 units.
Constant (Cd):
- It is used to convert RGB to 0 - 60 degrees. (60/RGB range).
- The constant (C) is the change in degrees for each RGB intermediate.
- 1 unit RGB intermediate = Cd.
RGB intermediate normalizing:
- The RGB intermediate must be normalized if the constant (Cd) is to be considered as valid.
- To normalize: RGB intermediate - RGB min.
- If RGB min is zero, no normalization is required. (RGB intermediate normalized = RGB intermediate)