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3. Calculation of RGB Intermediate (Slope Up)
3.0 - Hue - Absolute value conversion:
3.1 - Calculation of H - initial with mod 6:
3.2 - When R′, G′, B′ = X slope up (XU):
3.3 - Simplifying the equations:
- B = Brightness,
- B % = When the value of the brightness is expressed as a percentage.
- C = Chroma,
- m = R′, G′, B min = R′, G′, B′ decimal code with smallest value.
- G = Green color, with an absolute value of 0 – 255.
- G′ = Green color with an absolute value of 0 – 1.
- S = Saturation.
3.4 - If change H initial with H final:
- Hi = Hue′ Initial,
- Hf = Hue′ Final.
3.5 - Example:
3.6 - RGB intermediate - Graph:
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